validate( 100, "string|number|boolean" ); // ok
validate( "foo", "string|number|boolean" ); // ok
validate( true, "string|number|boolean" ); // ok
validate( [], "string|number|boolean" );
// ByContractError: expected string|number|boolean but failed on each:
// expected string but got array, expected number but got array, expected boolean but got array
Optional Parameters
function foo( bar, baz ) {
validate( arguments, [ "number=", "string=" ] );
foo(); // ok
foo( 100 ); // ok
foo( 100, "baz" ); // ok
foo( 100, 100 ); // ByContractError: Argument #1: expected string but got number
foo( "bar", "baz" ); // ByContractError: Argument #0: expected number but got string
Array Expression
validate( [ 1, 1 ], "Array.<number>" ); // ok
validate( [ 1, "1" ], "Array.<number>" );
// ByContractError: array element 1: expected number but got string
// or
validate( [ 1, 1 ], "number[]" ); // ok
validate( [ 1, "1" ], "number[]" );
// ByContractError: array element 1: expected number but got string
Object Expression
validate( { foo: "foo", bar: "bar" }, "Object.<string, string>" ); // ok
validate( { foo: "foo", bar: 100 }, "Object.<string, string>" );
// ByContractError: object property bar: expected string but got number
foo: "foo",
bar: 10
}, {
foo: "string",
bar: "number"
}); // ok
foo: "foo",
bar: {
quiz: [10]
}, {
foo: "string",
bar: {
quiz: "number[]"
}); // ok
foo: "foo",
bar: 10
}, {
foo: "string",
bar: "number"
}); // ByContractError: property #bar expected number but got null
Interface validation
You can validate if a supplied value is an instance of a declared interface:
class MyClass {}
const instance = new MyClass();
validate( instance, MyClass ); // ok
class MyClass {}
class Bar {}
const instance = new MyClass();
validate( instance, Bar );
// ByContractError: expected instance of Bar but got instance of MyClass
When the interface is globally available you can set contract as a string:
const instance = new Date();
validate( instance, "Date" ); // ok
validate( node, "HTMLElement" ); // ok
validate( ev, "Event" ); // ok
Globally available interfaces can also be used in Array/Object expressions:
validate( [ new Date(), new Date(), new Date() ], "Array.<Date>" ); // ok
Nullable Type
validate( 100, "?number" ); // ok
validate( null, "?number" ); // ok